About me

Thanks for visiting my website where I am delighted to share a little bit about my experience as consultant, researcher, social entrepreneur, and speaker.

As a consultant, and sometimes as a task manager, I have been working for almost three decades with world class corporations and also with the international development community, governmental agencies and non-profit organizations (NGOs), e.g. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and several other UN agencies, The World Bank, and Interamerican Development Bank. Being a consultant means to bring together my experience from three other areas of my experience: research, entrepreneurship, and public speaking.

Research has been an ongoing part of my life, which I can´t afford neglecting because of the highly complex issues and challenges that I must deal with as a consultant helping businesses, social ventures, and other organizations to develop strategic plans and effective implementation. With this in mind, I have been focusing in the fields of organizational theory, strategic communication, decision-making processes, and human resources.

My passion to engage with people aiming to set up a provocative dialogue focusing on contemporary burning issues, especially taking into consideration innovation and change, explains why I also wear the hat of a keynote speaker in corporate events.

Ventures, and specially the social ventures, are also part of my life. In the process of getting older I did not lose faith in the idea that we can each be a changemaker and find ways to transform the world into a better place, addressing social, environmental, and ethical issues.

To end this section, I think it is worthwhile to summarize some of the four basic assumptions which I always take deeply into consideration in various circumstances, as a consultant, as a researcher, as a speaker, and as a social entrepreneur:

  1. The world we live in today is a VUCA world. That means that we must accept and adapt our mindsets to the fact that humans now live in a “new normal” reality defined by increased Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity.
  2. Organizations must embrace innovation and deal with ongoing change or otherwise become obsolete.
  3. Corporations and business ventures must understand that profitability is becoming part of the challenge to survive and prosper.
  4. Challenges ahead demand strong cooperation internally and the development of more effective dialogue with stakeholders within the external ecosystem. Communication is no longer, a tactical task or tool. Communication is even more strategic than management. Leadership is above all strategic communication.